CATT Software Products

The Computer Automated Transportation Tools are user-friendly software tools for generating standard Department of Defense (DoD) supply, transportation, and shipping documentation and Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) media. They are designed for use by organizations that ship materiel to the United States Department of Defense or within the Defense Transportation System.

CATT Tools read and create the following DoD standard documents and AIT Media:

  • DD-Form 1348-1A Issue Release/Receipt Document (IRRD) with Linear and 2-Dimensional Barcodes
  • DD-Form 1387 Military Shipping Label (MSL) with Linear and 2-Dimensional Barcodes.
  • DD-Form 1384 Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD)
  • Optical Memory Card
  • Radio Frequency Tag

CATT Tools operate in a standard PC environment and are designed for Microsoft Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 operating systems. All CATT Tools can be configured to operate in a stand-alone environment or on a Local Area Network for multi-user access.