AMS Software Functionality
- Transportation Receipt and Dispatch
- Freight Receipt
- Transfers shipping manifest information from an Optical Memory Card or Radio Frequency (RF) tag (JTAV format) into a local database for receipt confirmation and reconciliation.
- Automates receipt of freight and small packages by allowing users to scan barcoded Military Shipment Labels (DD Form 1387).
- Maintains an automated log of all incoming shipments.
- Produces Management Reports listing detailed receipt information or summary data (including calculations of processing time).
- Reads both multipack and container leverl Optical Memory Cards using an OMC Reader Writer.
- Freight Dispatch
- Permits automated dispatch of freight using barcode readers.
- Generates Tally Sheets and Gate Passes for dispatched freight.
- Writes an automated manifest on an Optical Memory Card for dispatched freight using an OMC Reader Writer.
- Freight Receipt
- Supply Receipt and Issue
- Supply Receipt
- Transfers shipping manifest information from an Optical Memory Card or RF Tag (JTAV format) into a local database for receipt confirmation and reconciliation.
- Automates receipt processing by allowing users to scan barcoded Issue Release/Receipt Documents (DD Form 1348-1A).
- Produces Management Reports listing detailed receipt information.
- Supply Issue
- Generates automated Packing Lists and Gate Passes for issues/returns.
- Writes an automated manifest on an Optical Memory Card for issues/returns.
- Generates barcoded (linear and two-dimensional) Military Shipment Labels (MSLs) (DD Form 1387) and Issue Release/Receipt Documents (IRRDs) (DD Form 1348-1A).
- Supply Receipt
- Freight Consolidation and Shipment
- Provides freight documentation and consolidation capabilities to support split operations, redeployment, redistribution, and retrograde activities.
- Generates barcoded (linear and two dimensional) Military Shipment Labels (MSLs) (DD Form 1387) and Issue Release/Receipt Documents (IRRDs) (DD Form 1348-1A).
- Generates automated Packing Lists.
- Generates automated Transportation Control and Movement Documents (TCMDs).
- Writes an automated manifest on an Optical Memory Card for consolidated containers using an OMC Reader Writer.
- Writes an automated manifest on a Radio Frequency Tag (JTAV format) for consolidated containers.
- Generates and transmits data to the ITV Server in support of ITV\TAV.
- Transmits prepositioned data to the receiving activity.
- Data Lookup
- Provides data lookup capabilities to enhance visibility of processed freight.
- Provides historical research capabilities via an on-line data archive or permanent archive disks.
- Mandatory Reporting Requirements
- Produces automated Transportation Discrepancy Reports (TDR).
- Produces automated Reports of Discrepancy (ROD).
- Produces automated Transportation Control and Movement Documents (TCMD).
- Generates and transmits TK documents (DoD In-transit Visibility Data) to the Army Logistics Intelligence File (LIF).
- Generates and transmits AS1 and BBC documents (Shipment Status) to the Army Logistics Intelligence File.
- Environment
- Provides multiuser capabilities in a networked PC environment.
- Operates under Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.